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In 2007 SSAA Victoria signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Parks Victoria to assist with the management of pest animals on State-owned land.

This agreement is called the Conservation and Pest Management program.

The management program is intended to:

  • Conserve, protect and enhance environmental and cultural assets, with the help of accredited CPM volunteers.
  • Establish a framework for communication, co-operation and partnership between Parks Victoria and SSAA Victoria to assist one another in areas of mutual interest and concern.
  • Facilitate consultation between Parks Victoria and SSAA Victoria with opportunities for input prior to policy decisions, in areas of mutual interest and concern.
  • Provide opportunities for future co-operative projects between Parks Victoria and SSAA Victoria.
  • Recognise controlled and targeted pest animal control programs as a legitimate activity on land managed by Parks Victoria.

The volunteers involved in the CPM program have been accredited. They are selected programs because of their understanding of the location, their hunting experience and marksmanship, and knowledge of responsible animal control.

Across the State the CPM operators assist with controlling populations of foxes, pigs, goats, rabbits, hares, cats and several species of deer.

If you are a CPM-accredited member of SSAA Victoria and would like to get involved in any of these operations, contact the CPM Manager at the State Office on 03 8892 2777.