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Review of game regulations presents challenges and opportunities

Review of game regulations presents challenges and opportunities

SSAA Victoria has made a submission on the Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) for the Wildlife (Game) Regulations 2024. The RIS process is the pivotal piece of public consultation in this once in a decade review of Victoria’s game hunting laws.

SSAA Victoria engaged widely with members, other hunting organisations, international colleagues and academic experts in the preparation of the Association’s detailed, comprehensive, evidence-based submission. The Association accepts that not all members will necessarily agree with every position that has been taken in the submission. Members can be assured that all feedback received was given full and proper consideration.

Members are invited to read the SSAA Victoria submission. In the next few weeks, the staff at State Office will also record a podcast to go through the submission and review process in detail.

From here, the government is required to consider all responses to the RIS before finalising the new Wildlife (Game) Regulations in September.

You can read the SSAA Victoria submission via the link below:

Wildlife (Game) Regulations 2024 SSAA Victoria Submission