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Wodonga women turn out to shoot

Wodonga women turn out to shoot

Forty women tried shooting for the first time at the Ladies Day held at SSAA Victoria Wodonga Branch on the weekend.

Organised by the branch and assisted by SSAA’s Coaching and Membership Development Manager Gemma Dunn, the day was one of many designed to encourage women to take up the inclusive shooting sports.

“It’s always great to see people who might be a little nervous at the start get totally involved and end up having a great day,” Gemma said.

The international clay target representative was among a group of experienced shooters including 2017 Bianchi Cup winner Cherie Blake who helped the attendees learn how to shoot.

Benches were set up with .22 rifles for silhouette shooting but one of the big attractions was the new shotgun facility being set up at the Wodonga range.

Wodonga Branch President Josh Knight said the women loved “smashing clays”.

“There’s something about a moving target and the instant reaction when you hit one,” he said.

“The new clay trap we set up was certainly popular from that perspective and we’re looking forward to building the shotgun disciplines, perhaps now with some new members.”

Also, women’s shooting advocate and SSAA Victoria Junior Vice President Marion Barnes was there as part of her ongoing commitment to women’s participation in shooting.

“What an amazing empowering day for the ladies who attended,” she said.

One attendee, Kaylene Gillman, took to Facebook to say she was particularly thrilled by being able to participate in the day’s activities.

“I had a great time at Ladies Day,” she said. “I am a beginner and have limited movement to the right side of my body, but the instructors were great with their support.”

Gemma Dunn was able to instruct Kaylene to the point where she was able to hit clay targets with a shotgun.

“The day is all about showing how inclusive and fun the shooting sports are, and we’re always thrilled by the response we get,” Gemma said.

“Shooting is an absolute level playing field, but it can be a little intimidating to get started because the perception is that it’s a male-dominated sport.

“We’ve now got another 40 women who see that they are just as competitive as the men.”

Keep an eye out for future Try Shooting Days in Victoria.